Plan miasta Mielce

Mielce - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Off-Campus Porch Roof Collapses; Tenants Call Property A Mess | NBC 4i

The collapse of the porch roof is just the latest in string of problems with the property managed by the Pella Company. Mielke showed NBC 4 the house, pointing out numerous flaws, including windows that often do not lock. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Rose's Story: Prologue: Pre-War Poland

RS: I remember that we went on vacation, and when he took me, he brought me a big bunch of grapes, and in Poland that was a novelty, because we didn't have this, it had to be imported. And he said ?You can eat as much as .... So he was the Kielce Rabbi. And when he came to the town in order to marry them, and they were married on a Friday, I was told, he had to stay somewhere. There were no hotels. And he stayed in the house of my grandfather. It was a great honor for my ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Revisionism, Role Reversal and Restitutions

The essay takes Jedwabne and bKielce/b crimes from among many JPC-distorted cases, and links them to Holocaust Industry. JPC link is also evident in a clash of Judeocentric and European values that symptomizes mass crime potential in ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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